Title: Bluenose Magic
Author: Helen Creighton
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing
Pages: 312
I’m going to start by saying that Bluenose Magic wasn’t what I expected. That doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, I was pleasantly surprised onto the review!
Bluenose Magic is a collection of folktales from all over the province of Nova Scotia. Some of the chapters tell of magic, witchcraft, the supernatural, dreams, and divination. I was expecting a story, complete with a climax, plot, beginning, and ending. And yet I still loved it! It was really great to read about all the different stories from different time periods, and there is a home remedies section that could come in pretty handy. One question I’ve been asked about this book is if it was scary. Yes. It is. A little. But no too much. But be warned that the witchcraft chapter is pretty… gory. But I did enjoy the book! And I recommend it to you if you are into this sort of thing. It’s… an interesting read! I hope you check it out!
Thank you for this review. I think reading folklore is a good idea. It’s often entertaining, and it’s informative. And it’s okay that it informs in a dramatic way. I appreciate your cautionary comment.
Thank you for reading
Be very careful reading about witchcraft. The devil likes to dress up as harmless fun, but actually is real and can do damage if we allow him. That is not to suggest banning any book, but just to read with spiritual awareness.
“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight” – (C.S.Lewis, The Screwtape Letters)
love and prayers, c.a.
Ooooh, yea that’s a good point. I know all that stuff is creepy and bad. One of the things the books says is that “witches are mentioned in the bible and therefore must exist” which is true, except the bible doesn’t talk about them in a good way
Yep, you’ve got that right. However, most modern “witches” are witchy-wanna-bes that don’t understand anything about real spirits, and so are either bogus or are easily deceived.
But are evil spirits about, but as a Christ-follower, you have nothing to fear.
Knowledge of folklore is a positive thing. It helps you understand history and culture. I enjoyed your review, Ariela!
Yay! Thank you for reading
sounds like an interesting read…and maybe one that I won’t read right before bed