šŸ§‹ Bubble TeašŸ§‹

Have you had bubble tea? Those colorful drinks with tapioca pearls? First off, Iā€™m gonna start by saying that bubble tea is DELICIOUS, and my MOST FAVORITE DRINK EVER! Okay waitā€¦ third most favorite drink ever, water first then milk, then bubble tea. Bubble tea is a tea-based drink with chewy tapioca balls. I think I love it so much because itā€™s an Asian thing and Iā€™m half Asian, hahaha!

Bubble tea originated in Taiwan, and created by a Ms. Lin Hsiu Hui in the 1980s. ā€œBoba.ā€ is technically the more proper name, because in Chinese, bubble tea translates to boba naicha. I actually didnā€™t know that bubble tea had been around since the 80s! But bubble tea can be bright and colourful, and the 80s were pretty colourful, so IT WORKS. A lot of Taiwanese migrated to North America in the 90s, and they brought their bubble tea with them. The first time I had bubble tea was actually in Florida, USA. Here in the west coast of Canada there are so many bubble tea stores because there is SUCH a large concentration of Asian population. So when we are out shopping, me and my mom like to get bubble tea when we can, and my dad just rolls his eyes šŸ™„

Bubble tea comes in so many delicious flavors and that made them so colourful. My favourite would be watermelon! Because, well, itā€™s WATERMELON! My mom always try new flavours. She tried green matcha tea, taro, and lychee flavors before, and she liked all of them! I have no idea what is taro, but my momā€™s bubble tea is purple in color. As I mention earlier, it is a tea-based drink. You can have it as is, or add some milk, or a slushy type. They all come with chewy tapioca pearls, or you can add some red beans too! The tapioca pearls are made from tapioca, which comes from the inside of a cassava plant. MY DAD TOLD ME THEY WERE MADE OF FISH EYES!! But, I mean, of course I didnā€™t believe him, Iā€™m not that dumb! šŸ˜‚ The tapioca pearls feel like round gummy bears, but a little softer. And be careful because they are big little things!

Bubble tea with milk

Slushy bubble tea ā€“ peach and taro flavors

Have you had bubble tea? If you did, do you like it?

Letā€™s chat in the comments below!

One final thingā€¦.. the winning sign off from my last post! Can ā€˜ya guess which one?










Number seven! šŸ¤Thank you for votingšŸ¤

56 thoughts on ā€œšŸ§‹ Bubble TeašŸ§‹ā€

  1. Okay, first of all, YUM. Iā€™ve never had bubble tea before- itā€™s popularish where I live, but the most popular choice of tea for the people here is chai.
    Second of all- itā€™s so??? Photogenic?? The tea just looks cute and cool and sweet?? I suddely really, REALLY want to try some!!
    Fun post!!
    stay sticky,

    1. Thanks for reading! And yes,YOU MUST TRY SOME! If you have a favorite fruit, Iā€™m like 99.9% sure theyā€™ll have it in bubble tea form! šŸ¤

  2. I love bubble tea! I got it once and it was soo good! But sadly, I do not have any close bubble tea shops around me. I had to go to Chicago to get the bubble tea.

    1. SadšŸ˜„ but hey, maybe someone will open up a shop near you! Or, YOU could open up a bubble tea shop!šŸ¤£ Have a nice day!šŸ¤

  3. Hehe, I LOVE boba tea! I havenā€™t had a huge variety of it, only from like two places, but it was SO GOOD.
    And now, thanks to you and your delicious looking pictures of boba tea, I am now craving boba tea. Thanks a lot.šŸ˜‚

    Great post, and I love the new sign off!šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ¤

  4. I developed a love for bubble tea after I moved to California! We didnā€™t have that in London. There isnā€™t a large Asian population there compared to North America. Funny story, I had a math teacher whose partner did gaming for George Lucas. So my math teacher went to one of George Lucasā€™ parties. Thatā€™s when he discovered bubble tea and he mainly drank that all night!

  5. Btw, have you seen the Fung Brothers video 626? Itā€™s about the San Gabriel Valley in LA

    1. Iā€™ll check it out. We might drive down to Cali in April. Wellā€¦ fly in Seattle first because the border is ā€œcloseā€ Any suggestions?

      1. I generally got my bubble tea at Veggie Lee. Hope you manage to get to California! I narrowly missed out on seeing the San Gabriel Valley when I was in LA (I was there for a wedding and had exams right after my trip), but it looks like an amazing area!

    1. Hmm extraditingā€¦? Lemme look up the meaningā€¦ Ohh okay. I guess so, thatā€™s not a very nice thing to do. šŸ™

  6. I suspect the bubble teas will continue to be popular in Hong Kong. It is just getting difficult for small businesses there because of fear of the CCP.

    1. I know, Iā€™ve been to HK twice and now itā€™s different! Thanks for your comment! šŸ˜Š

  7. I havenā€™t seen many flavors of boba and have only tried boba coffee. The novelty was fun but not enough to cause me to buy more.

    Ube is a purple tuber. Mild, slightly sweet, flavor. It can also be used to make tapioca-like items. Iā€™ve had it in both cookies and bread and they were delicious!!

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