Collab with my friend Reese!

Today, one of my blogging friends, Reese is going to be doing a collab with me! Or – am I doing a collab with her? Who knows in this crazy world! Her blog is super awesome, and she is twelve just like me, she travels just like me, and if you do not know her, you should go check her blog out! You can click here to visit her blog after you read this. Aaaaand I figured out how to put GIFs on my blog, so there WILL be GIFs!

Anyway, these are Reese’s questions, and my answers!

What is something that you pack with you wherever you go? One thing I pack wherever I go is a nice thick book to read on a long trip

What’s your favorite place you’ve been? Oooooh, okay so Universal Studios Orlando. It is my favorite place I’ve ever been to, and I love it so much! And if I could choose a country to visit again it would be Singapore.

What’s the hardest part about traveling? Wellll… the hardest part about traveling to me is probably leaving behind everything, especially my friends, but that’s only when I spent six months in Florida. Now I have new blogging friends so it will be okay.

What is your favorite part about traveling? My favorite part about traveling would probably be when you finally arrive, and get your first glimpse of the place you are in.

What’s your favorite food from all the places you’ve been to? My most favorite foreign food would be French Macaroons. They are delicious, and I really love them!

What’s your favorite way to travel? My favorite way to travel would be by cruise ship. I love cruising a lot because you go to different city or country wherever the cruise docks. I also like to travel by plane because the view from above is really cool when you look down.

That’s all for now!

29 thoughts on “Collab with my friend Reese!

        1. Maybe next month, we could ask each other random questions. But if you have something else in mind that’s totally cool too!

  1. I’d love to collaborate with ya both, not had a collab ever mainly due to my low viewership and inability to gain more despite my efforts and my style of writing! Excited to see read the article after reading this one xo

    1. Oooooh Collab! Sure! If you want more followers and friends, go to the reader on WordPress and like and comment on other people’s blogs!

  2. Wow! U doing a collab with Reese. Yeah she has a really gud blog, IK as I also read her blogs!! And btw I’m 12 tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

    1. Cool! let’s be friends!!! It would be cool if someday, we can all hang out! πŸ™‚

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