This is a post that I have been DYING to write! UOAP stands for Universal Orlando Annual Pass. We’ve had this pass for three years now, and Universal Studios is one of my favorite place to be. I’m going to have lots of fun with this post!
If you are a huge Harry Potter fan, you will LOVE this place just like me. Maybe you have already been. In the comments, you can tell me about your visit. There are many perks when you live in Florida, especially if you live in Orlando. I live super close to Universal Studios. It’s so close that I can walk to get there, but we mostly take a ten minute drive instead. There are tons of things to do, and there are plenty of places to visit in Florida. That includes a lot of theme parks. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been going on water rides and roller coasters, and I’ve had lots of fun!
One of the first theme parks that I’ve been to is Sea World. I remember playing at the kids playground and riding the kiddie coasters. I think we had our pass for a few years until I was old enough to go to the big roller coasters. I was five years old when my parents bought a pass at Disney World. That was the time I was in love with the Disney Princesses, especially Ariel, the little mermaid. I’ve also been to Busch Gardens and Legoland.
Hogwarts Castle Diagon Alley
That’s enough about other parks though, now I’ll tell about Universal. If you are a Potterhead like me, you’ll LOVE the life sized Hogwarts castle! (Its actually a ride BTW) Universal Orlando Resort has three parks, Universal’s Islands Of Adventure, Universal Studios, and Volcano Bay (water park). They are all great! If you stay at one of the hotels like Cabana Bay, there’s no need to buy a pass at Volcano bay. That’s because Cabana Bay has It’s own water park, I’ve never been there though. My friend has, and she said it was really fun!
The Knight Bus The Leaky Cauldron (it’s an actual restaurant)
If you find yourself trying to decide weather to buy the two-park pass to Islands Of Adventure and Universal Studios, or the one park pass, buy the two-park pass. It might cost a little extra, but I can guarantee it will be funner (that’s definitely not correct grammar, and its totally not a word). If you get the two-park pass, not only will you have more fun, but you’ll get to ride on the Hogwarts Express! (if your not a Potterhead just read along). It’s very smart, actually, and its very cool. Plus, It’s the train that gets you from one park to another.
Platform 9 3/4
SECRET ENTRANCE (shh): Okay, here’s a little trick for you when the line’s too long to get into Universal Studios. After purchasing your ticket, go back out of the gate, and head over to the Blue Man Group entrance. Walk on the path until it ends, and turn right. You should see a crew member beside a little stand, under the Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket roller coaster. There should be a little or no line there, and all you need to do is get your finger print checked and your pass scanned, and you’re good to go!
My favorite ride, is Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. It’s a roller coaster but it’s actually not too intense. My mom goes on it, and she doesn’t like roller coasters! Definitely go on it if you get a chance to visit Universal Studios. Some of my other favorite rides are, Despicable Me, The Hollywood Rip Ride Rock It, the Incredible Hulk Coaster, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, and the Amazing Spider Man ride. Those are just some of my favourites, and truthfully, all of the rides are great! I really like to go to the Harry Potter area to wave my wand at the window displays. You can buy an interactive Harry Potter wand or a collectible wand at Ollivanders. I also love the ice cream at Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour, It’s one of the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted!
Me by the window of the Post Office in Diagon Alley I can make that big white feather move with my wand! How? Magic!
Bumblebee from Transformer How to Train Your Dragon!
There are also a lot of special events that you buy tickets for. In February there’s a Christian concert called Rock the Universe. It’s great because I get to see my favorite Christian artists live on stage!
Another event that I like is the Mardi Gras parade, annual pass holders (like me!) can sign up for a spot on one of the floats, and then get a chance to throw lots of multi-coloured beaded necklaces. The three years that we’ve had a pass at Universal, we got to throw beads twice. The first time we ended up on the last float, the Gator. The Gator is the parade’s grande finale. It is a massive alligator wearing a huge crown. Plus, this gator took a glitter bath. It is covered in sparkles from head to tail. But, there is still plenty of room for pass holders to climb aboard and throw plenty of beads.
I go to Universal almost every day, and I never get tired of it. I finish my school work as fast as I can in the mornings. We love to go to Volcano Bay, as well. Volcano Bay is Universal’s water park, it has Polynesian theme, and it is super fun! You can relax by the wave pool, ride on the water slides, and cruise down the lazy river, and play with the hot sand. It is one of the best water parks that I’ve ever been to, and my friends went there and they had a great time too! My favourite ride is the Krakatau Aqua Coaster.
Waturi Beach at Universal’s Volcano Bay!
Well, that said most of the things that I like about Universal. MOST of the things. There are still plenty more, but that’s all I could fit into this post. I hope that this post maybe helped you to learn a little more about Universal. I suppose you guys will stick around for another post, so I’ll see you all next time!
Me stunning the conductor for the Hogwarts Express!
Beautiful sceneries.
Thank you so much!!!
What a fun post! Love it!
Thanks so much
Ariela, I’m glad you had fun in Florida! Did you ever swim with the manatees or swim with the dolphins? Ride an airboat in the Everglades? You can come back many times and still not see all the attractions in Florida! Check it out! <3 Cheryl (I've lived in Florida since 1995. I've been to Canada twice.)
I haven’t swam with the manatees or dolphins yet. I’m not sure if I like to swim with the manatees. I’ve done the air boat in the Everglades, I went to see the Coral Castle, I watched the Mermaid show, and went tubing in some springs. We love to visit St. Augustine from time to time. Florida has a lot to offer
Where do you live in Florida?
Wow…looking at your colorful pictures and enthusiastic descriptions, I felt like I have been taken for a jolly ride. This is such a fun post
Thanks so much! I’m glad you liked it
I’ve always wanted to visit Universal Harry Potter so, reading this post is putting a smile on my face
Sounds like you had a blast! Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! Hope you get there very soon!
We l…o…v…e Universal Orlando. Since we live on the other side of the U.S. (in Washington state), we only buy annual passes when we know we’ll be going more than once in a year. We are headed there in two weeks. I can’t wait to ride Hagrid’s Magical Motorbike Adventure again! It is my favorite ride. Thanks for all the lovely pictures. It makes me homesick for Universal.
That’s great! I hope you have a fun time there!