Hello fabulous people reading my blog! This is going to be my answers to your assumptions about moi, AND the drawing challenge results! (I suppose that you guys reading this already guessed that from the title though…) So, here are my answers, and then there are the links to everyone’s blogs!
River Writes: You run or exercise and like chocolates
Oooh, well I like to do laps in the pool, so that’s exercise, and I LIKE chocolate. Not LOVE, but like.
Gulfcoastpoet: You are curious, have a good sense of humour, are conscientious and hardworking.
Curious, yes. Good sense of humour? Also yes. Conscientious and hardworking? I suppose so!
Reese: You like LEGO, you love to travel, and love blogging!
Haha! Yes! All are correct!
TheDreamer: 12|13 yrs old and love to travel
Yup! That’s me!
Bea: You love to travel, you hate the combination of bright green and melt your face off pink, your a vegetarian, you like to bake, and you liked this comment before reading it!
Love to travel? YASSSS! Hate the combination of bright green and bright pink? Yup! I tried to be a vegetarian, but it didn’t work!
I like to bake, and I liked the comment before reading!
Jesusluvall: You like sprinkles on your ice cream than ketchup on your ice cream.
Haha! I think this one made my day! I like sprinkles on my ice cream, but ketchup?!
LeendaDLL: You’re pretty wholesome, respectful to your parents and authority, rarely cuss.
Yes, to all of those, and I don’t cuss.
Chasingthemaximumlife: You love traveling and love visiting new places
Yes, very much because I learn a lot!
Samreen Asad: You’re a wonderful kind soul who loves travel
Hmmmm… I don’t know if I’m a wonderful kind soul. Hang on, I’ll ask myself about it. Yea, myself doesn’t know. I’m gonna say, yes? And YES. I love to travel!
Winteroseca: You’re 12 yrs old and love to travel!
Haha, yes!
Thank you everyone for the assumptions! I hope that you got to know me a bit better.
For the drawing challenge this was the best I could do. I had a limited choice for coloured pencils, and I didn’t have a scanner to scan the pictures. Anyway, I hope you like them!
For Bea: Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon
Also from Bea, My favourite character from HTTYD. Astrid riding Yakkity Jorgensen!
Happy Panda challenged me to draw one snippet/item from every year from Harry Potter.
Evin challenged me to draw Harry, Ron and Hermione trapped in the Devil’s Snare!
LeendaDLL wanted me to draw a Canadian Beaver wearing a party hat!
Te he he, I have memes…
That’s all for today! I’ll see you next time, so stay tuned for more!
Do you have Roblox? If you do, tell me your username in the comments so I can send you a friend request! (My username is SIfRavensbane11, so if you get a request that’s me!) I’d love to be able to play with you!
I LOVEE those drawings!! You’re so good at them!! And the memes
awesome post!
Yayyyy! You like the memes! And thank you!
Most excellent drawings!!!
What’s reblog? You know is oldsters look to you kids to keep us current!!
Re the reading meme: One of my former wp blogger friends has become a successful writer (Bryn Greenwood). When her 3rd book came out, I was so into it that I stayed up all night reading then called out sick from work to stay home and finish it!! Worth it.. but then I was disappointed that I finished it in a day and had no more to read!
Ha ha! A reblog is when you take someone else’s post, and post it on YOUR blog. Mostly it’s when someone wants to help another blogger spread the word about something.
I thought it was some new site because that’s almost all anyone does on tumblr!
I don’t know of I have reblog enabled or as part of my template. I can’t imagine any wanting to use it. I know pingback is enabled but I’ve never rec’d notice and your links should have been considered pingbacks.
Yea, its even weirder for me, because I CANT reblog anything!
I’ve never tried!
Aaaaa Yakity has never looked better!!!!
Great post Ariela!
Happy Friday!
Yea, I think Yakkity is my favourite out all of those!
Love the HP artwork but definitely the beaver is the cutest. ♥️
It’s so amazing that you love travel at such a young age.
Yea, I’m really happy I get to travel a lot! Thank you for reading!
Those are awesome drawings! I loved the beaver!
Thank you! Glad you like my drawings!
I like your drawings. Sprinkles I thought so.
Cute drawings! It was great knowing more about you, Ariel.
Thanks so much
It won’t show me the whole post…
Idk why
Aww, well maybe you can try again?
Great draws! Everyone’s talking about KOLTC! Sorry I couldn’t participate tho, anyways, those memes are hilarious, the last one is so true-
YES, the last meme is very much true! I find it funny that EVERYONE is talking about Keeper of the Lost Cities! Or KOTLC. But Shannon Messenger calls it Keeper for short so I call it Keeper
Your drawings are sooooooo good! I can’t draw
Thank you! Maybe YouTube can teach you a few tricks!
Maybe, I’ll give it a go.
Fun to know more about you! And your drawings are lovely!
Thank you so much

I love your drawings and thank you for following my blog.
Awww thank you! And your welcome for the follow!
That meme with Keefe…
Like what if he met Leo?
Or Percy?
(The world would probably collapse)
Oh yea it would! But who’s Leo?
A character from HoO
Ohhhhhhhh okay