How do you like to camp? Do you bring everything you can bring to the camp, or are you like my family that buys food at the take out? Here’s another post for my NB Staycation Series.
Kouchibouguac is the Mi’kmaq word for river of tides. Kouchibouguac National Park is home to Kellys Beach, great biking trails, a few walking trails, kayaking, and many more. It was our first time camping at Kouchibouguac Park. Usually, we camp at Fundy National Park and hike on the trails. The trails here vary from easy to hard. When I was little, we stayed in a yurt and we also stayed in a oTENTnik before at Fundy National Park, but most of the time it’s just in a small tent. My parents heard many good things about Kouchibouguac so we wanted to see it for ourselves.
I liked Kellys Beach because there was a long board walk just to get to the beach, 1.2 kilometers to be exact! The hot sand on your feet and the refreshing cool water felt perfect together. There are bike trails, but we couldn’t go on any because we didn’t bring any of our bikes this time. At the park, you can rent fat bikes, but we couldn’t rent any due to COVID-19. There was also a canteen at Kellys Beach which was very good for us. I mentioned earlier that we camp the easy way so we bought our dinner at the canteen. If you don’t plan to bring a stove, and other things to prepare a meal, the canteen is your place to go.
1.2 km boardwalk to the beach
At our campground, there were a lot of mosquitoes. They were everywhere! Each of us got eaten alive all because we forgot to bring our Patio Shield. A Patio Shield is a device that keeps the bugs away. We would’ve gotten less bites if we remembered to bring it. After spending the day at the beach, we set up our tent. Our tent is very easy to set up. We started our bonfire, and for some reason I made myself a club. It was actually just a large stick that I carried over my shoulder and whacked on some trees. Don’t ask why. I have no idea why.
our little tent, comfortably fits three people
After staying the night, we headed up north to Caraquet. It is a quaint little town, with a marina to launch your boat and sail into the St. Lawrence. You can also rent bikes to ride around town. We purposely came here to buy cheese curds. My dad and I LOVE cheese curds. They are delicious! Some people think they are weird because they feel funny and they squeak in your mouth. Well, my dad says that means that they are fresh.
Next, we visited a cafe called Grains De Folie where I got French vanilla macaroons. The owners are from France and they moved to Caraquet to open up a cafe! We had a quick brunch and the food was delicious! I LOVE macaroons. I think the first time I tried them was in Paris. That’s fitting because macaroons are a French thing!
Boardwalk in Caraquet
Before our three hour drive home, we stopped at Neguac AGAIN. This time we stopped at the Neguac Dairy Bar. They have the most delicious ice cream. YOU HAVE TO STOP THERE IF YOU ARE NEAR THE AREA. They have so many flavors to choose from. Soft serve ice cream, sundaes, flavor bursts, chocolate dips, and many more. I picked a soft serve banana flavored ice cream. My dad ordered a soft serve banana flavored dipped in real Belgium dark chocolate! This is most likely making you drool. . . In my opinion, the ice cream tasted a lot like the ice cream they serve at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour at Diagon Alley in Universal Studios Orlando, Florida. My parents say it’s even better, but I disagree.
I think exploring the outdoors is always fun! It’s good to be without technology sometimes so you can just enjoy what’s outside. Keep traveling, keep exploring, and travel safe!
What a great place New Brunswick is. That beach looks amazing and it looks like it could be a natural sand beach.
Fresh clean air, beautiful scenery, what a wonderful place to live and explore.
Thanks, It is beautiful here!
It’s beautiful here in Atlantic Canada!
Such a pretty place, and it looks like you have it all to yourself. I’m nominating you for the Sunshine Blogger Award for positives posts!
Really? Thank you so much!
May I know, where I can see these awards? I’ve seen posts about awards, but I don’t know how it works?
Certainly, (I asked the same thing). You just go to my page and the blog post for the Sunshine Award, then copy/paste and follow the instructions. I don’t think you have to pass it on to 11 other people though if it’s a lot.
Okay, I’ll do that! Thanks!
Fun to read about your adventures.
Thank you!
Looks like a great place to visit. I used to camp often, at one point spending a week alone far away from any one. I would either subsist on nuts and raisens and apples, or at time car camp and eat tortillas, salsa, avocado and nutritional yeast and sprouts, adding to the nuts and raisins. Sometimes I’d just camp for the night. It’s been years since I’ve camped. It’s great your family likes to camp.
Thanks for following my blog and introducing me to yours!
Certainly! Thank you!
Looks like a great holiday!
Looks like you had a great trip. My favourite way to camp is to stay indoors, usually at a day spa. I also enjoy hiking or taking long walks to stay fit. If I’m in the mood for an early morning adventure, I’ll go outside with my camera. When I was your age through end of junior high, summer camps were part of my annual routine.
Beautiful location
Thank you!
Looks like an awesome trip! We don’t camp that often but when we do, we bring enough of everything we’d need. There are campsites that sell stuff and there are some that don’t so we’re always prepared although carrying lots of stuff can be a problem.
I like the beach scene… it’s romantic!
Sounds good to me!
Camping seems to be fun.
I smiled when you you said you didn’t know why you made the club.
Sometimes having something to hold feels like having a companion.
There is also a lot of excitement in using stuffs that we make by ourselves.
I’m crazy!!!
The good type.
Have fun!
You are welcome.
That sounds like a great trip, Ariela! Beautiful beach!
Take care, Cheryl
It is, the water is not as warm us Florida water!
Beautiful sceneries.