Sooo this time I decided to try a more middle grade story, because obviously I haven’t really been enjoying these more mature books for adults. Maybe because I’m not an adult. I am but a child. So I read child’s books. Reading the last Dylan Maples book titled “Phantom of Fire” kind of got me interested in the whole Phantom Ship thing that New Brunswick has going on. I thought it would be cool to pick up another book on the mystery of the ghost ship.
Title: Chasing the Phantom Ship
Author: Deborah Toogood
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing
Genre: Middle Grade Fiction
I really want to talk about the characters, and by talk about them I think I mean telling you about just how uninteresting they are, or how boring I found them to be. I didn’t particularly care about any of them, and all of them getting together to go search for the Phantom Ship really seemed a bit forced. There’s the main character and his cousin who he’s not exactly too fond of, but of course at the end of it they become best friends, because that’s what happens after a near death experience apparently.
I just wanted to laugh at this book for no apparent reason. I have no idea why, but maybe it was because I was reminded of that one Disney Channel cartoon that I never watched called Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Thats actually all I could think about. All of this was just sort of a blur, there weren’t really any action scenes, and it felt a little dry. And the characters were just willing putting themselves in danger. Y’know, because they just wanted to
This book has an awful lot of “telling” and a little less “showing” a lot of stuff that I don’t really need to know. A lot of pointless telling all for the sake of visualizing something down to the finest detail, and it’s something I don’t personally care for. And that’s coming from an artist.
Personally, I think that this book was average. I liked getting to read about the Phantom Ship again, and all of the adventurous parts of this, but it felt lacking to me.
I don’t know how to explain it, but it just wasn’t anything too special.

Sometimes a book just isn’t you cup of tea and it’s hard to explain why. It’s a great idea to rotate between Middle Grade, YA, and adult books to find what you like best! Hopefully you find a read you love soon!
Thanks, Emma! I’m sure I can find something
but I just haven’t found it yet.
Contrary to what you say, I think you do know how to explain your response. And you do well. (From a former English teacher.)
Thank you! As an aspiring writer that makes me very happy
There is a definite art to writing and ‘grabbing’ the readers attention in the first few pages. If I find myself struggling after 4 or 5 pages then I don’t bother going any further. I have a few authors that I really like but occasionally even they produce a dud. Too much unnecessary detail can make you lose the plot very quickly so a good plot and strong credible characters are essential and need to be established in the readers mind fairly early on.
For what it’s worth (probably not much!) I don’t see you as a ‘child’ per se, but as someone transitioning from childhood to adulthood via the teenager phase. It’s actually a seamless process and along the way some of the child traits drop off the conveyer belt of life and some of the early adult ones jump on.
Yeah, from my writing classes I’ve taken I know the importance of drawing in the reader to make them keep reading. I really don’t think this book did that for me.
I find it really tricky to find books for my age range. Young Adult books are supposed to be for me, (ages 13-17) but I often find them too mature for me. It’s hard to get what’s age appropriate.
Even as an adult, I always enjoy the young adult or children’s books. This one looks interesting. Adding it to my list
Perfect! I’m sure you’ll find it to be a pleasant read
Maybe this comment will work
I’ve never heard of a New Brunswick phantom ship.
It sounds like it could be very interesting, if it was maybe written a bit better. I will read it if I come across it.
BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever asked you, what do you use for school?
Lol this comment does work! The Phantom Ship is this old tale of a burning ship that’s found going across the Northumberland Strait. When you try to get closer to it, it’s said to just disappear! The book is actually pretty good, just maybe for younger audiences who won’t find it cringe.
I am enrolled at Christian Virtual School! It’s based in Canada, and I have real teachers that I can talk to online! Their website is