Covid-19 Accomplishments

What have you accomplished during the pandemic? Today, I will share with you some of mine. I understand that COVID-19 affected different countries in different ways. My experience maybe different from your experience. Here in New Brunswick, Canada; it’s pretty good. Everything is open and we are currently in the yellow zone since June 19th.

As for my accomplishments, I wanted to write this because I want to motivate and encourage my reader. There’s a saying, “When life gives you a lemon, turn it to a lemonade.” First, I passed my Iowa Assessment Test Level 7 and I am going to be in Grade 8 in September 2020. Second, I started this travel blog in June to share my travel experiences and show people other cultures. I can’t believe in this short time how successful it has been. People from all over the world are reading my blog and commenting on my travels. It’s actually amazing and I really appreciate you all! I also started an Instagram, @arielaonthego and Facebook, check it out if you would like a more up to date post. Third, I finished my Red Cross swimming lessons, and that means next year I will train to be a Junior Lifeguard! In the future I can work as a lifeguard.

Summer time in Canada means swimming at the pool and riding my bike around the neighborhood. When I am not doing that, I am reading books. My mom gifted me books for my birthday in May so I read them all and re-read a lot of my old books. When summer began, I joined the Swim Team, and I just had my very first Swim Meet! The early morning training has paid off. I won most of the races I participated, and I had lots of fun.

I took piano lessons before, but because I’m not into piano anymore, I took up learning guitar. During the peak of the pandemic, I can’t meet my guitar teacher so I started going on YouTube and I learned three songs on guitar already!

We managed to travel safely to a few resorts and went camping, I posted those trips on the blog.

And that’s it for all of my COVID-19 accomplishments, you probably have a lot of your own too. If you write them all down, maybe you have a lot more than you think!

Here’s the link of my other travels in New Brunswick:

44 thoughts on “Covid-19 Accomplishments

    1. Thank you! My dad said we have to learn how to adapt and pivot! Have a good week!

  1. I deep cleaned the entire house and garage and did a purge, but not too much because I’m a hoarder. I finished getting certified as as Life Purpose Coach which is funny cos I’m a procrastinator. Sept is all about getting my children’s book finished and sent off.

  2. Great job on your accomplishments! You’re a talented young lady!
    I accomplished, with God’s gift of strength and rain, the best garden I’ve ever had. Now I am making homemade salsa and freezing apples and cucumbers to be used later. I also froze a lot of strawberries earlier in the summer.

    1. Congratulations!!! That’s very good you have a green thumb! Homemade salsa sounds yummy! I didn’t know you can freeze cucumbers! Have a good week!

  3. You have had a very productive summer! When I was your age I spent my entire summer resding or swimming. 😊

  4. Wow that’s so many stuff. I’m feeling insecure reading this now. Does sitting at home binge-watching tv series and writing barely a poem a week count as an achievement too? 🥺🥺🖤

    1. Thanks so much! That’s an achievement. I can’t even write a poem, I need an inspiration or if my mom made me write one 😀

  5. Congrats Ariel. I hope you do become a Life Guard. You have a beautiful name. I just love it. It’s a treat to the eye to see such a young blogger. Keep blogging and achieving every milestone.❤

  6. Wow! Those are some impressive achievements. Well done! And kudos for starting a blog and having so much success. I’m looking forward to reading your posts.
    I don’t think I accomplished anything earth shattering during COVID-19, unless surviving counts. And still surviving by the grace of God. I did can tomatoes for the first time. You can read it on my blog. Have a great day, and can’t wait to read about your adventures.

  7. Some kids just sit around Some just playing video games. Not you. You keep busy and have fun at the same time Travel and reading are a great education. I’ll have to make my own covid list. !!

    Thank you for another great story

  8. Congratulations!! Amazing achievements! My sister and I have used this time to really focus on what we love and hoping to turn it into a full time business! We’re so grateful for the opportunity that we never really had the time for with full time jobs! It’s great to see other people who took this tough situation and turned it into something great!

  9. Wow! So many achievements. Travelling around the world sounds fun… I want that! I hope you do become a lifeguard… that’s if you still want to in the future. You’ve put in so much work now, you deserve it.
    You’re a book lover too I see, we’re automatic buddies, Ariel💚
    Had fun reading this. Thanks for sharing

  10. Hi, Ariela! Thank you for visiting my website. I have had the website for four years, but I just added the blog about the same time you started your blog.The pandemic has been very bad here in Florida, so I needed something interesting to do. I am a retired teacher in a high-risk category, so I am staying home a lot!

    I am impressed with your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts.The travel you and your family are doing is a very good education as well as being fun. I admire you for taking advantage of opportunities to be on the swim team and learn guitar. Isn’t YouTube great? I am learning poured acrylic painting on YouTube.

    All the best in eighth grade! <3 Cheryl

    1. Good for you Cheryl! Thank you for your kinds words! I hope COVID will be gone very soon!

  11. I’m so glad you’ve been able to do things safely this summer Ariel! ❤️ Hmm some of my accomplishments in and out of lockdown (so since March) was focusing on my skincare routine, teaching myself a lot of songs on the piano (using YouTube tutorials!), writing on my blogs, spending time outside, and trying new exercise routines! I’ve also read a lot of books which has been awesome 😄

  12. OoOo Das great to have accomplishments in this period of time and overall! Gosh, I really wanna learn the guitar! Any tips?😉😂 I love to swim too, it’s so relaxing (if on vacay) and so fun!! Awesome post! ~ A way of thinking positive as well!😉

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