Final Update: Coast to Coast Canada Adventure – Food Bank Fundraiser

Hello everyone! This is going to be the final update regarding my Coast to Coast Canada Food Bank Fundraiser that my family and I started in October last year. I had an awesome time traveling across my beautiful country, and It was also a rewarding experience to raise awareness for food insecurity.

My goal was to reach $10,000 and I was able to raise OVER the amount! Woo hooo! The picture below was when the local newspaper did a follow up interview in January.

When I got back home in May, I stopped by at the local food bank, and I used my birthday money to buy some non-perishable food, disinfecting supplies, and toilet tissue!

In addition to the fundraiser, my parents and I donated another one thousand dollars to Food Depot Alimentaire, a New Brunswick provincial food distribution center.

That’s about it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post about my Food Bank Fundraising and that it encouraged you to help some people in need in any way you can.

You can read my previous posts regarding Food Banks Fundraiser by visiting the Coast to Coast Canada Fundraiser category.

18 thoughts on “Final Update: Coast to Coast Canada Adventure – Food Bank Fundraiser

    1. Thank you! And yes, I agree with you, the Food Banks need a lot of support! Thank you for reading!

  1. Hey Ariela how r u dear? Long time no chat 😅😅 hope everything is fine at ur end? M myself wasn’t online on WP! Cant wait to interact with u

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