First Day of Grade Eight

I’ve been homeschooled since grade one, and my mom made me skip Kindergarten. At first, she was nervous to home school me because English is her second language. But here I am, and it’s my last year of middle school. Since the first grade my mom has been hand picking different curriculums for me to use. This year she bought the whole package of BJU Distance Learning On-Line. Usually we spent our winter at our second home in Florida, but we wanted a change and plan to go to Thailand and other Asian countries for six months. Bringing lots of thick books isn’t a good idea. Obviously God had a different plan.

There’s a lot of concerns and uncertainties for going back to school, so I am blessed to be at home doing school. The nights are getting cooler and cooler, autumn is coming. The town pool is closed. My daily routine will be school, and after school I might go for a bike ride with my friends, jump on the trampoline until my parents have to put it away, or built forts in the woods. My dad also bought a pool pass at a local hotel so we go swimming pretty much everyday. I will post one article a week, because school takes lots of time, and blogging should be fun. It shouldn’t be a burden, besides I’m only twelve.

To ”celebrate” back to school, my mom got a number eight balloon, and an ice cream cake. This cake was from the Neguac Dairy Bar, their cakes are delicious! This one was cookies and cream flavored, and it was delicious!

That’s it for now! Wishing the best to every student out there, have a great school year! Stay tuned for my big announcement next Tuesday!

68 thoughts on “First Day of Grade Eight

  1. All the best on your studies as you begin Grade 8. Despite being out of school for well over a decade, I still get the back-to-school excitement/nerves during the Labour Day long weekend. I love that your mom got you a balloon and an ice cream cake to celebrate the start of the school year. Take care.

      1. Actually yes 😂 Seventh grade I got so much hw and everything was just hard. Eight grade is more chill in that sense and after the whole HS process is as over for me, I had a great year!
        Are you planning on going to school for HS?

      1. Haha, I think I know the feeling😉😜😂
        I hadn’t always had the easiest road with my mother, this year everything changed for the better, we get along great now🌸

        How is your relationship with your mother?

    1. Thank you! My outfit was made in the Philippines that we bought in the US. It’s funny because I’m half Filipino!

  2. Happy First Day of 8th Grade! That’s so cool you’ve done homeschooling for so long. I’m doing virtual for my school for the first time this year so it’s definitely a change!

  3. Time flies so fast you’re already in grade 8, I’m so happy and proud of you Ariela and your mother Diana, GOD BLESS U TRIO😘😍

  4. It’s really interesting to read how different things take place around the globe with different people. And wow you are planning for Thailand, thats real cool. Hope your 8th grade is exciting and adventurous Ariel!

  5. I am amazed to see a 12 year old here. I Read few of your posts and it’s interesting. Thanks for connecting with Offshore Writings my little girl. Stay blogging.💖

  6. It sounds like you are a very intelligent girl. Eighth grade should not be too hard for you.
    I think your curriculum comes with videos, doesn’t it? And is there a way of contacting someone for help at BJU online if you get stuck on something?
    Just in case you need to know, there’s free online help called
    I’ve used it a couple of times myself.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m using online videos. We are familiar with Khan, but never use it yet. Have a great week!

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