Hello again It’s meee, Ariela
(of course it’s Ariela, who else would it be
clearly I’m not fooling anyone). It’s the first day of high school and I’m in for a real roller coaster ’cause algebra is not easy. This year I get to choose what subject I want to learn for each semester of the school year!
Yay! This year is unlike the other years where my mom the teaches me.
This year, I am going to be using a different curriculum that I used before. It’s called Christian Virtual School, based in Ontario, Canada. It is a virtual school so everything is online and I even get a school I.D., and I will still be staying home.
High school sounds kinda fun, I’m going to be learning French! Pretty great, since I can join in with all the other bilingual french speaking friends of mine. I guess I haven’t already learned French because I’ve had no one to teach me. My mom speaks Tagalog!
She won’t be teaching me French. Some learn french from watching French movies with English subtitles, which is something I have NOT been doing
, this year I get COOL classes, like learning about business, art class, and French. It’s going to exciting year because it’s something different from what I’ve done in past years.
That’s pretty much it for this post, I don’t really know what else to say, except good luck to all my fellow students, and stay in school ’cause it’s important!
This is a MEME
Education is something people give out, you have to fight for your share. Get out there girl and grab a big piece of the education pie with both hands !
Mmmm education pie
Good luck miss high schooler
Ont peut parler en français quand tu peut!!!!
Hahahaha, google translate exists you know?
Good luck with Algebra I was never any good at it.
sounds like an exciting change to the way you have home schooled so far. I am certain that you will do well but it all takes work too.
Keep having fun while you learn.
Good luck for your school year!
Thank you!!
Home schooling has some significant advantages from what I have seen. Students coming from Home Schooling into Public Schools (at least, here in the US) usually are advanced by one or even two grades, and the reverse holds true; students leaving the PS system have to really knuckle down to catch up with their age peers in Home School.
That said, there are a few disadvantages that must be watched, and can be overcome with caring parents; socialization, physical education, divergent world-views, sports teams, extra-curriculars such as debate, social clubs, and networking for colleges and jobs, to name a few.
So if you Mom speaks Tagalog, is she from Philippine descent? My brother lived a year in Manila working with a missionary there loooong ages ago. And Anita and I encountered many Filipino maids in Hong Kong when we were back in her home town for a summer in 1996.
Keep cool in Canada! And I’m praying for your upcoming elections.
your friend always, c.a.
Ooooh, so there are other homeschoolers who are a grade ahead? That’s cool! And yes, my mom is Filipino and I really need her to teach me Tagalog sometime
Thank you for constantly reading my blog and commenting, it means a lot to me 
Good luck with all that!
Haha, thank you!
Hope it’s a great school year. High School level work is tough but it will help prepare you for college. You’ll do fantastic.
Many blessings on this! Sounds exciting, in a challenging way. I’m actually learning French too, it’s really fun, although my accent isn’t too good.

Happy Tuesday!
Thanks, Bea!

Ooooh, I’ve always wondered about the whole accent thing, do English speaking people have an English accent when they speak French??
Have a great time! Don’t panic about Algebra. I remember it taking awhile before magically making sense to me – then I almost became a math major in college! Thankfully, I realized being good at math didn’t mean that I enjoyed it, and changed majors.
Hm… I’m not sure I would ever become a math major in College, I struggle a little bit with the negative and positive signs that they throw in, plus I don’t really like all the letters and numbers that I have I have to work with. But good for you on becoming good at math! You must’ve worked really hard

I really didn’t. One day it just made sense. Ditto for driving.
Pos × pos = pos
Neg × neg = pos
Pos × neg = neg
Algebra and computer programming use the same logic. If you’ve tried programming, the letters in algebra are the same as programming variables. If it helps you can change them to words… just remember to always use the same letter/word translation in an equation… such as A is always apple, B is always blueberries, etc
So… what you’re saying is that apples and blueberries are programmed into computers! That’s awesome! I’ll be sure to remember that

Sure! Now if only I’d take my own advice and do my homework!
Have a beautiful, challenging year, Ariela! Work hard. Play hard!
Thank you, Cheryl, I’ll try

Ohh! Good Luck with high school! I’ll be starting high school in 2 years

Thanks, Aamy! I have a feeling I may need that luck

Yay for a great new chapter for you! Look out high school-here she comes!
Thanks! Hahaha, yes… Hello High School, fear me!!
Go for it! Nothing I have ever learned has been wasted. Cheers, Muriel
Congrats on your new phase. Success all the way.
Thank youuu!

Goodluck!! Hoping for a wonderful schooling ahead!!! <3
You know you’re really passionate about what you do when you can see how it applies in every aspect of your life no matter how diverse and different it might seem on the outside! It’s a sign of dedication though! Or fatigue. Haha! Perhaps you need to learn how to wind down from the grind my friend!
I hope you get to check out my blog.
I’ll be sure to check out your blog! Thank you for stopping by mine!