Hello there and welcome to my blog, or welcome back to my blog! Today’s post is going to be a book review that I’m really excited to write, so let’s get to it
Title: Heartbreak Homes
Author: Jo Treggari
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing
Rating: /5
Maturity Rating: YA fiction
When I first found out about this book during a monthly meeting, I was very excited because this novel promised YA fiction, multiple POVs, a murder mystery, and an interesting cast of characters and this really didn’t disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, the writing style was literally so perfect, and oh my gosh, it was so easy to read. The multiple POVs were cleverly used to create natural cliffhangers which was so fun to read and honestly my favourite part with multiple POV books. This book starts out with some teens getting drunk and high at a house party thrown by this rich guy, and of course something goes wrong, because how does something NOT go wrong when you have dozens of high schoolers who are drunk and high? There are three main characters, Frankie, Martin, and Cara. I’ve got to say that I really liked and admired Cara’s character. There’s just something about that one character that isn’t really a criminal but kind of is because their only way of surviving is to steal things, but other than that they’re pretty good people? Yeah. That’s Cara.
I had a fun time reading this book, but I also had a lot of issues with it. The main thing being that my values and the values in this books don’t align. I just don’t agree with teens drinking and going to house parties and hooking up, and I don’t really like reading about it either. That said I still give the book 4 stars because I think it deserves 4 stars, and maybe even 5.
All of the characters were written in a way that you could relate with them and sympathize with them enough despite how bad of a person they might be. So I liked all of the characters, and I even did some fanart! You can check out that art I did on my latest Instagram Reel.
Honestly I think that’s all I wanted to say about this book. The ending was nice, and overall I thought it was a nice book. Very well written and very captivating.

Thank you Laura!
A friend I met here writes in multiple POV format, though hets are waaaaay not YA.
Thanks for sharing your review.
Heh, I really appreciate when you’ve got an age guideline for the readers. It’s much better because then you know what you’re getting into. Thanks for reading
I get what you say about their lifestyle and yours not aligning, but for some people that’s the way it is. A lot of students get drunk and high and a lot don’t and for most of those that do indulge, it’s just a phase they go through. For some of course, the phase develops into full on addiction and substance abuse with all the negative consequences. The bad stuff goes on regardless of whether you acknowledge. These are just fictional characters in a book after all though they may well be based on the writers personal observations or experiences. I have never done drugs but I did get drunk a fair number of times when I was younger. After suffering numerous hangovers getting drunk starts to lose it’s appeal!
I understand that it’s a reality for many people, especially for teens. I chose not to read it because in stories like these, it often ends badly for these people. Even in this book, someone was murdered, and multiple people went to the hospital. I know what happens to those people and I don’t want others to go down that path. This book is young adult fiction, so the people reading it are kids my age-impressionable kids. I just hope the people who read this book, and any other like are able to discern for themselves on what’s good and bad.
What a ‘young adult’ is open to interpretation I suppose but by my reckoning that would be 18+. Here in the UK 18 is the age of consent so I would agree with you that it is not suitable for younger readers. Perhaps there should be a warning on the cover to alert people to the nature of the content. Maybe the write intended it as a warning as to what could happen to you if you choose to follow this particular lifestyle path (just a thought). Do you have a choice about what books you review? Can you tell the people you review for not to send you books that you deem to be unsuitable or contain potentially offensive subject material?
Well, I think that age rating for young adult books is 13-17, but they can be a bit more mature for a thirteen year old and I don’t really like reading the more mature ones. It’s hard to find something good. I don’t think this book was trying to warn or encourage this lifestyle, just sort of telling it like it is a little bit.
With Digitally Lit I actually have full control over what I read for them, I’m able to pick ANY books from the catalogue, but sometimes you just don’t know what you’re getting into until you start reading it.
I agree with what you say. I guess with this (as with most things in life) there is no ‘one size fits all’. I’m glad that you are able to choose which books to review.
Where was that picture taken?
Oh, just the balcony from out room in Bali
I though of Bali when I first saw it because of the roof shape of that building. I have been there once – back in 2008 for about 10 days or so – but never again. Beautiful place but the constant harassment by taxi drivers and people trying to sell stuff and rip you off at every turn just drove me nuts! I like walking around and exploring places but that ruined my enjoyment of the place. Every 10 yards someone would ask me if I wanted a taxi. What is the matter with these people? If I’d wanted a taxi then I would have got one right outside my hotel where there were dozens of them. While I was there I actually hired a local guy for a couple of days to drive me all over the island and show me all the sights – like for $25 a day or something like that. Do your parents get hassled in the same way I did or did I just pick the wrong places to go?
Walking down the street on the crumbling sidewalks and watching above for low hanging live wires is bad enough without having every single taxi honk their horns at us. They would ask us where we were going and my dad would just point down the street and say “Over there, how much?” of course they’d just quit after that one. We only used the hotel car service as a taxi, and the driver was happy to drive us around.
Yes I remember that it’s not the most pedestrian friendly place in the world.
Loving your honesty, and seriously looking forward to your fanart! HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY!!!
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY! Thanks for reading, Robin! <3
Thanks for posting this review. I agree with you. My values also don’t align.
Yep, telling people about which books are the good ones and the bad ones is what I do~ Thanks for reading!
Ooooo! Seems interesting! I’ll look for it!
Yay! I hope you like what you find!