Kira’s Secret 🧜🏽‍♀️

🌊Welcome everybody! 😁 I’m glad you decided to stop by! 😄 This post is going to be about my latest book from Digitally Lit! Kira’s Secret!

Pages: 156

Author: Orysia Dawydiak

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book is probably my favourite book so far that I have received from Digitally Lit. It’s part of a trilogy, and don’t worry-I’ll be reading and reviewing the next two books that come after 😉

🌊The book Kira’s Secret is about a young girl named Kira who mysteriously finds out one day that she’s a mermaid 🧜🏽‍♀️ Whenever she is fully immersed in saltwater, her legs turn into a beautiful golden tail with a pink fin and purple tips, her hands become webbed, and she has excellent underwater vision. 😎 I want to be a mermaid now, not gonna lie. 😄 Once she finds out that she’s a mermaid, she goes searching for answers about her past. Why was she adopted? Who were her parents? How come she was living on land all this time and not out at sea? 🌊 This book is a great read, and I’d say it’s for kids ages 8-12. But we aren’t gonna talk about how I read it, and I’m 13 . I really enjoyed reading Kira’s Secret because it didn’t just talk about mermaids, It also talked about a lot of the other mythical sea creatures down in the deep blue sea. But then again, maybe they aren’t so mythical after all. 😃

This book is a fun adventure, well written and easy to understand, I loved this book!

🌊That’s all for today everyone, I hope you enjoyed this book review, and if you’re into mermaids you should definitely check out this book! Bye, and I hope to see you next time!

13 thoughts on “Kira’s Secret 🧜🏽‍♀️

  1. Awesome! Don’t be ashamed. I still read younger books and I’m 14! I lust love them! This book sounds good. It kinda sounds like the Emily wind-snap series.

    1. Hehehe, kids books can be so good! I hope to decide to read it one day, and I’ve never heard of the Emily wind-snap series. I might go check that out 🙂

    1. Oooooh, roleplaying?! Hmm, I would definitely like to play Kira’s character! Being a mermaid sounds so fun, and there’s a whole other world down there! And I would tell her story by giving a book report or book review! And if I could, maybe I could act it out?

        1. Ooooh, I don’t have classmates-I’m homeschooled remember? (That’s okay if you didn’t, lots of people forget 🤪) and I would SO rock being the silliest mermaid!

    1. Yasssss, I’m pretty sure I’m still gonna be reading children’s books when I’m 80!! Have a nice day!

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