Hello lovely people that continuously read my blog! As I mentioned from my previous travel post, I am now in Okanagan Valley. This is the interior part of British Columbia. And with my Food Bank Fundraiser, we called many different local Food Banks to volunteer. We are just waiting for them to give us a call. People also approached us when the car was parked, and asked us how they could donate. We told them to visit my website arielaonthego.com, or there’s a donate button at the end of this post, and it is link to Food Bank Canada’s website.

We are going to stay here for a while. We originally planned to visit Vancouver and Victoria. We plan to drive along the coast, and do some whale (killer whale) watching. But the government of British Columbia had a travel restriction in that region because the COVID-19 cases were going up, but it will be lifted soon. So we are going to stay put until it’s safe to travel again. In the mean time we are exploring the Okanagan Valley. It is sooo beautiful here! Lots of walking trail and biking trails. The view of the mountain ranges and the lakes are very peaceful! It is actually my second time to visit the Okanagan Valley. Here are some pictures, and let me know which one is you favorite!
Oliver, British Columbia is the wine capital of Canada. There are acres and acres of vineyards there!
One of these days, we’re e going to do a horse ride tour!
After I’m done doing my school work in the morning, we go for a walk. We can take a rest and enjoy the view of the lake, or swim at the outdoor pool and hot tub.
When we arrived in Okanagan, one more thing I noticed are the fruit orchards and so many fruit stands. I bet the locals enjoy eating different fresh fruits everyday! Some fruits grown here are apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, melons, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, and strawberries. The fruit stands are closed now for the season. It will be beautiful sight in the spring when the flowers bloom.
We went for a walk around the vineyard, and we stumbled upon a large tumbleweed.
I love the vineyard and the tumbleweed was funny!
I once got a photo of me and my Dad next to a cornfield to show how tall the corn was!
Ha ha, COOL! I think that tumble weed is taller than me!
I think you’re right! The corn was taller than my Dad could reach and he’s over 2m tall with a long wingspan!
What a beautiful place to own a vineyard. Imagine just growing fruit in that beautiful place for a living and seeing those gorgeous mountains and that amazing river valley as the back drop everyday. The air must be so fresh there and filled with the sounds of birds as the sun moves across the sky and the shadows of the mountains pivot like a giant sun dial. Very cool place !
Yep, you got it exactly right! I’m very happy to be here!
All of these are so pretty!!! Do you take the photos, or someone else?
Also my favorite is either picture 3, or picture 8.
Happy Tuesday!
My mom took all of the photos actually!
And I agree, I think picture eight is my favourite too!
Wow, nice! Your mum is an excellent photographer!
Yes, she’s getting the new iPhone 12
My favorite is #8, and the other lake photo is my 2nd favorite. I can imagine that walking over that bridge would be exciting.
How much do you suppose that tumbleweed weighs?
Yes, my favourite is eight as well!
My guess is that the tumbleweed weighs about five pounds or less! Thank you for reading!
What an adventure to have been able to experience such a beautiful place and pick up a tumbleweed in your own two hands!
You’re welcome!
I love #3 & 8. Holding up the tumbleweed made me laugh… cute pic but the ones down here are full of thorns!!
If (when) you see orca’s, know that I’m insanely envious. Orca’s and whale sharks are on my wish list!!
Looks like most people like the tumbleweed picture! I’m also excited to see the orcas in the wild setting. I only saw them before at Sea World
It’s “a thing” in some local areas to make “tumbleweed men” instead of snowmen. You spray paint them white.
“Tumbleweed men” sound good fun! In Florida I make “sandman,” sand instead of snow!
I would love to visit British Columbia one day, especially the Okanagan Valley. It looks so scenic. I’ve heard there are some great hiking trails there. Take care.
It’s so beautiful here, and you’re right there’s so many hiking trails with a view! My parents are talking about buying a winter home here!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey: You’re travelling in my province. Yeah! Shall forward this to friends planning to visit me after the pandemic. Hope we’ll all go on a car trip together then. Enjoy, enjoy.
Thank you! BC is very beautiful! We’re enjoying our time here!
Aww I love all of these beautiful pictures and awesome tumble weed!

Thanks! I sent you an email, idk if you got it
I got your email! Sry I haven’t gotten to respond to it yet.. I will try to respond to that today!
No problem!
Awesome post! I love all of the pictures but my favorite was hands down the tumbleweed.
Thank you for stopping by! And yes, I think the tumbleweed is my favourite too!
I have been to Granny’s fruit stand before, in fact this year I canned some peaches from there! I live on Vancouver Island so when travel is allowed again, you should think about heading to the Comox Valley area, it is stunning (I may be prejudiced because I live there, but it is gorgeous and there is so much to do!)
Cool! I’ll tell my parents!