Hello to all of the lovely people reading this! I appreciate you I’ve got a book review for you today, and this is a book that Im currently reading with someone else as well, my new friend Jazz who is a fellow youth ambassador. It’s always fun to read with a friend, you know, there are lots of fun things that you get to talk about.
Title: Marry, Bang, Kill!
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing
Rating: /5
Author: Andrew Battershill
Genre: Adult Fiction
Marry Bang Kill is a pretty interesting book. I read this because I wanted to collab with my fellow youth ambassador, Jazz, and they picked this book to read. See, it’s not that I didn’t like it, I read the synopsis and I thought it looked good, but this really was a book that wasn’t for me. I didn’t realize it would be for adults, and I ended up not finishing the book all the way through. I found it really hard for this book to keep holding my attention because of the slow pacing and the lack of… I dunno. This book felt empty. Lots of this book is dialogue that I didn’t care for, and swearing. Lots of swearing. It’s really hard to focus on the actual story and the plot. As for what the storyline was, all I can tell you is that some guy mugged a girl with a rich dad, and then the rich dad sends a hitman after him. There’s also a lot of drugs, like one of the characters is a drug dealer, and I did not enjoy reading about that. But this book wasn’t necessarily bad I just… didn’t like it. It really did look like something I wanted to read, but it turned out to be really slow. I’m not going to lie, this book was boring and I was really expecting more. Like, when does the marrying and banging and killing come in? I don’t knowwww, because I couldn’t get through that far. I think it’s safe to say that I didn’t like the book.
I wouldn’t really recommend this book because I didn’t enjoy it enough for that.
But like, check out the cool picture that I took on Instagram for this book, my @ is @arielaonthego
Okay, that’s all I’m going to put on here for right now. Goodbye
I hate when books have swearing and bad stuff in them. I can understand a little bit if you are trying to get a character’s personality across, but every page is ridiculous. What did your friend think about it?
Yeah, the swearing really takes away from the book. I think Jazz liked it, their book review isn’t out yet though.
Huh, different people like books different I guess.
“Finally, brothers [and sisters], whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
) and of course, The Chronicles of Narnia?
, c.a.
Good advice for choosing books to read. When you start one like this, you are a wise young woman to put it down as soon as you recognize its worthlessness.
Have you read C.S. Lewis’s fiction, e.g., The Screwtape Letters, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, Till We Have Faces (one of my favorites!
Thank you! I do want to start reading more C.S. Lewis, I just got the Screwtape Letter for my mum (but I’m going to read it too of course), and I love Narnia!!