Guess who just finished the BEST Dylan Maples adventure yet! If you can’t guess, it’s me. So my binge read of the Dylan Maples adventure series has almost come to a close, but this is the book review for the 4th book out of a 5 book series. I’m going to miss it Anywho, this book was my favorite so far!
Title: Monster in the Mountains
Pages: 212 pages
Author: Shane Peacock
Publisher: Nimbus Publushing
This is my favorite Dylan Maples Adventure so far! Monster in the Mountains refers to the supposedly dangerous creature lurking in the depths of the forest. Some know this creature as the sasquatch, some know him as Bigfoot. Dylan finds himself deep in the mountains of British Columbia looking for the sasquatch, along with his uncle, who the locals think is crazy. He also meets a new friend named Alice, and they all go sasquatch hunting together. For some reason, Dylan was afraid of the sasquatch, and I was kind of surprised by that because Dylan didn’t really strike me as the type to be afraid of things like this. But I guess with the events of the last book, he has a right to be scared. The thing that I really love about this book was that it all feels real and believable. I can believe that all of this happened a few years ago, and that there was a supposed sasquatch sighting in British Columbia. I loved the new characters that were introduced, Alice was cool, and I liked his uncle too. This book is so fun to read and I couldn’t put this down. And again, I’m going to compare it Percy Jackson. Dylan just reminds me of Percy a lot. He’s cool. The only thing I’m disappointed about with this book was that it was so short. I want MORE. MORE. MWAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHA.
I swear I’m not possessed by a book obsessed demon.
That’s all. Goodbye.
Click here to read the official synopsis for Monster in the Mountains.
I also did a quick sketch of Alice, one of the new characters introduced in this book.

My step-mom is an avid believer of Sasquatch so I’m going to recommend this book to her