Hewoooo there my lovely friends whom I appreciate very much Today I am going to be giving my two cents on the second book in the Dylan Maples Adventure Series, The Secret of the Silver Mines.
Title: The Secret of the Silver Mines
Author: Shane Peacock
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing
Pages: 201
Rating: /5
I went into this book expecting another adventure like the last one I read, and that is what I got, but it was a little different this time. I got to know Dylan a little better, and there was also a new character who I really liked, a girl named Wynona Dixon. Wynona has flowy blonde hair is really good at playing hockey, and wants to get to the bottom of the case that Dylan’s dad (who’s a lawyer) has been hired to solve. See, Dylan’s dad was hired by this millionaire guy who owns the company that like… bought rights (?) to some silver that Wyn’s great grandpa found and claimed years and years ago. See, the thing with this is that it’s a middle grade book. It was a little tricky for me to wrap my head around this stuff, and I’m 14, while the target audience for this book is 8-12. I honestly found it a little boring compared to the first one. But other than that, I did really enjoy reading it and I loved that there were new characters! I love this series. It’s so fun to read. Dylan also reminds me a lot of Percy Jackson, and his adventures are a little bit similar too, minus the whole Greek gods mythology and stuff
That’s all. Bye bye Please check out the Dylan Maples Adventure series, you can be my best friend if you do
*throws my best friend under a bus*
Except I don’t understand how the last phrase relates: *throws my best friend under a bus*???
I’m getting rid of my best friend to make room
for you guys
You say the book is aimed at kids a bit younger than you, but I think a story like that can be so easily adapted for older kids and adults.
Yeah, I can see it being a YA novel, that would be really cool.
I always enjoy your book reviews
This makes me so happy to hear
Interesting. I have never read the series.
Happy late thanksgiving!
Happy Late Thanksgiving to you too!!
I just saw this, I think my comments are finally going through!
