Hello everyone! I hope you like books, because this post if going to be about one of my favourite book. It’s called The Town That Drowned by Riel Nason, and it is SO GOOD! I love this book because it is set in New Brunswick which where I live. The storyline is brilliant and believable, and it’s inspired by true events!
Genre: Historical Fiction
Author: Riel Nason
Publisher: Goose Lane Publishing
Pages: 272
The Town That Drowned stars Ruby Carson, and she lives in the little town of Hackshaw, New Brunswick in the 1960s. When the government announces they are going to build a dam in her town, her family and everyone else is forced to move to higher ground-or else have their house go underwater. See, humans aren’t very good at breathing underwater, so everyone with their houses at risk decides to move. This book is SUCH a great read, I love Ruby’s story because moving alone is such a big step, and most of the people in her town had to move. Her story is very well written, and it was interesting to read about life in the 1960s.
One improvement that I think could be made, is that I found it would better suit the story if it were written like a diary or journal. There were a lot of flashbacks, and the story was told in first person, so I think that it would better suit the story if it were written in diary/journal form. But except for that one little thing, the story was amazing, and I highly recommend this this book for any historical fiction lovers!
Thanks for the recommendation! I like your review, the clear way in which it’s written. You whet our interest.
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy the review, as well as my writing style!

Very interesting book!
, c.a.
Another on this line that is a non-fiction work is The Jonestown Flood. It is even more meaningful if you have ever visited the area in Pennsylvania! Unfortunately, the Jonestown dam that broke was not planned, and a tragic event, but yielded some heroic stories as well.
Oh wow, I read the summary for that book-it looks kind of similar. Well, except for the fact where… y’know… but other that that, The Jonestown Flood seems like a pretty great read! If you like that one, you’ll probably like The Town That Drowned!
I can’t think of anything I enjoy more than reading. So glad you are an avid reader and you inspire others to read too. Have fun! Cheers, Muriel
I grew up near a “town that drowned” near Branson, Missouri, USA. Tablerock Lake was created by building a dam. All of the people there had to move to higher ground too. Thus, I found your review very interesting. I am a historical fiction buff, working on my own historical fiction novel. I may just have to purchase and read, “The Town that Drowned.” Thanks for sharing!
Ooooooh let me know what your book is called when you publish it! I’ll SO check it out
Ooooooh sounds good!