Originally posted on May 18, 2020
It was early Wednesday morning on March twenty-five twenty twenty, and we were just about to head to Canada (If you are wondering why we are heading to Canada, you can read my post titled, “Who I am”). Every thing we needed was packed away in our orange Subaru Crosstrek, and we were ready to go. My parents decided to head back early because of COVID-19. Usually we head back in May, but instead we were going in March. Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Canadians to come back home. My dad was worried that the borders would close and the gas stations would close then we would be stuck in the United States. Once we took off, we now had a twenty-six hour journey to Canada. We traveled from Florida through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. We wore masks and gloves every time we stopped at a gas station just to be safe.
Sometimes we stay overnight in a hotel or we drive straight through. This time we drove straight through. While we were driving I must say, I’ve never seen a road so empty. But get this, we were driving through New York and Washington with no traffic! New York is usually super busy with cars and trucks, but there were barely any. At this time people had stopped traveling from state to state. I attached here the video of our eerie drive through New York City. One place we stopped in Connecticut was a gas station in the middle of no where. My dad got out and pumped gas into the tank while me and my mom went to the restroom. Me and my mom came out and discovered my dad yelling,”Hello? Is anyone in here?” There were no staff there to serve him. He wanted a coffee to keep him awake, but there was nobody there. The thing is we could’ve taken, maybe a couple bags of chips or something! But we didn’t.
During the drive, I read some books and watched my Harry Potter DVDs. My mom made me answer sixty math problems before I could watch. I also recorded the experience in my journal and stole my mom’s phone to watch Netflix and to play solitaire. We brought snacks with us and we stopped at Wendy’s and bought hamburgers for dinner.
Instead of a twenty-six hour drive it only took us twenty-four hours. My dad drives fast and there was no traffic! When we finally arrived home we were so tired and sleepy that I changed into my pajamas and went to bed straight away. We had to self-quarantine for fourteen days because we were out of the country, and this means no leaving the house, for two weeks! Our friends bought us groceries that would last us for two weeks. But I didn’t care though, I was finally home.
Ariela! Good job!
I Enjoyed your story about your trip to Canada. I would of been scared!
You guys are so brave and full of adventure! Can’t wait to read about your next adventure.
Thank you so much!
Cool, Thanks for sharing!
That was a scary time! I drove through a few states to get my son from college just a few days before that, and I drove right past Lexington, KY because there was no heavy traffic and I didn’t realize that I was there already. That is pretty amazing to have so few cars on the road in New York City!
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it
You’re welcome!
i wish i was brave as you guys! great job!
Thank you!