My Indian-Book Review

Hello hello lovely lovely blog readers, thank you for tuning into this weeks post! Today I have a book review to share with you, but don’t worry, I will back to my travel posts after this one πŸ˜‰

But, today (June 21th) is National Indigenous Peoples day (In Canada), so I shall post about a book that talks about the lovely lovely Indigenous Peoples. (Hehehehe, “peoples” is a fun word)

My Indian:

Authors: Mi’sel Joe and Sheila O’Neill

Publisher: Breakwater Books

Pages: 172

Stars: πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡


Sulieway is a young Mi’kmaw man living in Atlantic Canada during 1822, a time when the New World was still pretty new. It’s historical fiction, but it’s firmly based on true events, it’s just the authors imaginings of what happened during them. Did I like my history lesson on Mi’kmaw culture, traditions, and beliefs? Yes! Sulieway was such an interesting character, he was asked to be a guide for an Irish explorer named Cormack (he’s ginger and I find it hilariously stereotypical), who is set on finding the Beothuk people in the depths of Newfoundland. Sulieway’s job is to make sure he doesn’t, and lead him as far away as possible. Throughout the journey, Sulieway earns the nickname “My Indian” which is probably where the book title comes from. Anyway, Sulieway and Cormack set off on this journey to find the Beothuk, and at first, Cormack thinks Sulieway is nothing more than just a guide. He thinks he is a Savage, and nothing more than a tool to guide him and get what he wants, but in time Cormack learns that Sulieway is much much more than that. Sulieway is a very caring character, who actually just wants to help Cormack. (Well, I mean, help him by misleading him and not letting him find the Beothuk camp :D) I really loved Cormack and Sulieway’s character development, I think it was really played out nicely, and it was a great read! I loved getting to learn about all of the Mi’kmaw stuff, and I really enjoyed it! 5/5 stars, and overall just an amazing read for all my history lovers out there!

See ya next time,


11 thoughts on “My Indian-Book Review

  1. …And I LOVE the crosswalk idea! Maybe around Beethoven’s birthday we should do some as piano keys; around Valentine’s Day, a bunch of hearts or flowers or intermingled; around Thanxgiving, turkey feathers?
    ❀️&πŸ™, c.a.

        1. That works too… however the crosswalk isn’t temporary it’s permanent! (like those rainbow crosswalks) At least I think that’s what you mean… like an interchangeable crosswalk with turkey feathers and vday hearts πŸ˜€

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