Newspaper,Radio, and More!

Do you listen to the radio, or read the news? If you live in New Brunswick. You might have just seen me on the newspapers or heard me on the radio. They both have helped me out in spreading the word creating awareness to stop hunger by donating to Food Banks.

I was featured by a local newspaper, called the Kings County Recorder. The article was titled, Youngster Road Tripping for Food Banks, and with it was my favourite picture of me in front of the Colosseum.

The local radio station, Country 94.1 reached out to me, and they asked me to tell a little bit about my blog and the fundraiser I’m doing for the Food Bank. They also wished me good luck on raising ten thousand dollars. Some of my family and friends heard me talk on the radio, and that is pretty cool! They also posted an article about my fundraising on their website, and it helped me to spread the word out!

I’ve also been featured on CBC Kids News, and CBC News. CBC Stands for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. On CBC Kids, they asked for stories from kids on what they’ve been doing during the pandemic. So I told them about my blog, and I submitted my post titled Traveling During A Pandemic.

I don’t think this one is too important, but I’ll put in anyway. I’ve submitted a small article to one of my favourite magazine, BAZOOF! I sent an article about what I’ve been doing during the Pandemic. Two years ago, the curriculum were using suggested to find a publication that accept submissions from elementary aged readers. So I’ve submitted my articles, and they published some of the articles. I was very proud of myself, and I’m very happy because I’d accomplished something!

If you want to read the other websites that I’ve been featured on, check the FEATURED BY side bar on my site. I’m still on the road for my Coast to Coast Canada Adventure Fundraiser for Food Bank. If you want to donate please hit that donate button below! And that’s all for this post. Stay safe and stay tuned for more!!!

Donate to Food Bank

14 thoughts on “Newspaper,Radio, and More!

  1. Woah amazing!!! Congrats!

    Also want to inform you that I’ve nominated you for the Outstanding Blogger Award! Details in the post linked in my latest post!

  2. Well done you! Isn’t it a great shame though, that food banks are even necessary in the 21st Century but unfortunately so many people rely on them to survive.

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