Christmas 2020

Hello everyone! What was your Christmas like? Mine was awesome! I got lots of presents, and I had a great Christmas with my mom and dad as usual! I wrote this post for myself, so in the future I can go back and read it again. Even though we are in our temporary home in British Columbia, we bought Christmas decorations to have a bit of a Christmas vibe at the condo. We plan to donate them afterwards at the second hand store.

Thankful for + Blogmas Tag + NYR Contest

It’s one more week before Christmas and I’m so excited! Are you excited? But let’s not forget the true meaning of Christmas. We are celebrating the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ! Even though this year is different due to the global pandemic, I am still thankful that I am healthy and my family members are healthy. My grandpa who’s eighty years old had a successful heart surgery, and I’m really thankful for that too!