I have a collaboration with Maria Cristina she’s from the Philippines like my mom, please visit her website beautifulpeopleinc.com It’s awesome! It’s about the beautiful people in the Philippines, and it’s about life in the Philippines. She has some questions for me about my Fundraiser for Food Banks Canada.
Here’s the link for the original post: The Home Is Now A School!
Late from other Asian countries, the Philippines has just opened its classes on October 5, 2020 in time for the celebration of the World Teachers’ Day. This is due to the oppositions citing that the Department of Education (DepEd) seems not ready for the classes during this pandemic.
DepEd introduced several modalities for the learners, dropping the traditional ‘face-to-face’ modality in fear of the spread of the COVID-19 disease in the schools. Majority of the learners opted for modular distance learning modality, some mentioned about home schooling.
The new norm makes the home a school!
In our country, home schooling is not a top choice by many parents before the pandemic. But during this much trying time, many consider this type of learning modality. Fortunately, I was able to interview, Ariela, a beautiful young girl, her mother is a Filipina, she has been home schooled ever since.
I also knew from her that her family sustains support to food banks which is a great help to others in need during this pandemic.
First off, let’s get to know about Ariela and her views on home schooling. Check out her blog at arielaonthego for more details about her support to Food Bank experience.
1. Please tell us briefly about yourself. My name is Ariela, I am half Filipino and half Canadian. I love to read books like How to Train Your Dragon, and Harry Potter! My name means lioness of God and I’m also very crazy BTW!
2. You’ve been home schooled ever since, can you share your insights about this? Well, I like that I don’t have to get up early in the morning, and I finish at least an hour earlier than the kids who go to school
3. What do you think are the benefits of homeschooling to you? I think I learn more because there are no other kids for my mom to focus on, and I like homeschooling better because there is no bullies
4. Do you think of any disadvantages of homeschooling? Not really, there’s no everyday socialization, but I belong to a home school group. We go to field trips together. Other than that It’s all good!
5. What do you think are your parents’ reasons to decide for homeschooling? My parents love to travel, specifically my dad. This is why homeschooling is the best way for me so we can take vacations anytime during the school year.
6. You mentioned about your family’s efforts in raising funds for Food Banks, please tell us more about this. We are actually going on a coast to coast Canada road trip! This will be looooong because Canada is the second largest country in the world! It will be from east to west.
7. Since when did you start supporting Food Banks and why? My parents have been supporting the food bank for as long as I can remember. They know that there’s a need for supporting the food bank. Before COVID-19 hit, I volunteered at our local Food Bank. This year they are not allowing school-aged children to help. There was a breakfast program in our town for all the kids who were not able to eat breakfast before going to school.
8. Do you see yourself sustaining your family’s support to Food Banks in the future? Yes! When I start to make my own money, I will give as much as I can to the Food Bank. My father’s business is an going supporter of the Food Bank.
9. You’ll be touring Canada in the coming days, how do you plan to mobilize funds? We will fund our own trip, plus we have a few sponsors. On all of my posts there will be a donate button link to the Food Bank’s website. The list of our sponsors are listed on my website. Canada Coast to Coast Canada Adventure
10. Please share about your ultimate dream. I would like to be the youngest person to travel every country, and I would also like to be an actress someday!
Thank you so much, Ariela for helping me to get better understanding of home schooling! Thank you so much for being kind and always on the go in helping other people in need! The world is a much better place because of people like you and your family!
With this pandemic around, the safest for the kids to learn is at home. However, if you’re a parent who’s working at home, you have to manage your time well to be able to provide support to your children at the same time carry-out your tasks as an employee. This is no easy task but it’s worth it, as you’ll have more time with the kids at home.
When I’m in a very difficult situation, I would think that there’s always a solution to a problem.
The problem may influence our thoughts and emotions, temporarily. As for me, I don’t want it to win over me. I would like to emerge successful from conquering a complicated situation. If the time calls for a different strategy on learning, so be it. I’d like to embrace the new normal.
For more details of her journey and the food banks, follow her on Youtube and Instagram @ arielaonthego or check this link, https://arielaonthego.com/blog-2/.
For clarification on distance learning and home schooling:
Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or access to resources and he/she undertakes a self-directed study at home or in another venue. Learners engage in independent learning at home or in any physical learning space applicable, by using learning materials that are accessible either online, stored in CD/DVD/USB flash drive, or in printed form, or by viewing TV lessons or listening to radio-based instruction while being geographically distant from the teacher.
This modality has been used ever since for our Alternative Learning System (ALS) to make education accessible to our school drop outs, out-of-school children and youth.
Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode (ADM) that provides learners with access to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment, with parents, guardians, or tutors as authorized facilitators instead of classroom teachers. This does not preclude going to school on specific periods to develop learning competencies that require the use of laboratory, equipment, and others.
LITERALLY TEACHERS: Hey guys, make sure to hydrate and stretch and go out and keep a positive attitude even though I know it’s hard and stressful.
YOU ARE the reason FOR. MY. STRESS.
That is great. Nice to read your answers. Enjoy your tour, Ariel.
Thank you!
interesting interview. And yes, the comment about moving around and hydrating is really important. In the adult work word it is often too easy to stay at a desk working away. Get up and move around for sure. It was really nice to hear how things are on the other side of the world. Not really a lot of difference. I wonder about your dad’s work is he able to work while travelling ? I am sure you continue your school work while travelling.
I’ve always been interested to know what homeschooling is like on the student’s side. It sounds like you’re doing a great job at it!