Warrior Life ~ Book Review

Title: Warrior Life
Author: Pamela Palmater
Publisher: Fernwood Publishing
Genre: Indigenous History, Politics,
Pages: 274
Rating: 5/5 stars
Warrior Life fit perfectly in the terms of the order that I read my books in. After reading Living in Indigenous Sovereignty, you familiarize yourself with the terms and the types of things that Indigenous have to deal with. All of that language and terms and everything in Living in Indigenous Sovereignty was all addressed in Warrior Life. It provided the evidence and statistics that I wanted to see, but most of all, the proof. The proof that Indigenous Peoples are being misrepresented and mistreated, and discriminated against on their own lands. The proof that Indigenous women have been and still are mistreated. Unequal rights for Indigenous women, and the discrimination that they face. Warrior Life is a plea, a call to action, and contains much needed evidence and proof. This book is a powerful speech on what Indigenous Peoples have to face. I really hope that you check out Warrior Life, and that you can find it informational, educational, and eye-opening on the problems with Canada when it comes to the Indigenous.

Here is the official synopsis from Pamela Palmater’s website:
In a moment where unlawful pipelines are built on Indigenous territories, the RCMP make illegal arrests of land defenders on unceded lands, and anti-Indigenous racism permeates on social media; the government lie that is reconciliation is exposed. Renowned lawyer, author, speaker and activist, Pamela Palmater returns to wade through media headlines and government propaganda and get to heart of key issues lost in the noise.
Warrior Life: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence is the second collection of writings by Palmater. In keeping with her previous works, numerous op-eds, media commentaries, YouTube channel videos and podcasts, Palmater’s work is fiercely anti-colonial, anti-racist, and more crucial than ever before.
Palmater addresses a range of Indigenous issues — empty political promises, ongoing racism, sexualized genocide, government lawlessness, and the lie that is reconciliation — and makes the complex political and legal implications accessible to the public.
From one of the most important, inspiring and fearless voices in Indigenous rights, decolonization, Canadian politics, social justice, earth justice and beyond, Warrior Life is an unflinching critique of the colonial project that is Canada and a rallying cry for Indigenous peoples and allies alike to forge a path toward a decolonial future through resistance and resurgence.

5 thoughts on “Warrior Life ~ Book Review

    1. Hm, strange. I just went to check up on everything and it’s all good from my end. You’ll have to refresh and try again?

      1. Must have been a browser problem on my end, because now I see it. Possibly because I was accessing it from my iPhone, but never had that problem before. Ain’t technology wunnerful?😎

  1. Yes, I checked your site on my computer, and saw the blog. Guessing it was browser problems on my end. Still cannot see it on my iPhone.

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