Title” The Fog of Forgetting
Pages: 303
Publisher: Islandport Press
Hello! It’s Ariela, back again with another awesome post! (it’s a book review) I just finished The Fog of Forgetting by G. A. Morgan, and it is probably my most favorite book from Digitally Lit so far! I loved it because it is very similar to The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. But instead of finding a wardrobe that’s actually a doorway to faraway land, Chase, Evelyn, Knox, Frankie, and Teddy go out on a boat one day and find themselves lost in the fog. The fog is actually some magical stuff that can transport you to a country called Ayda, IF it allows you to cross through. These kids find themselves Melor, one of the four realms of Ayda. Each realm has a corresponding stone, and all rulers are trying to find the rumored fifth stone-if it even exists at all. The fifth stone is the most powerful, and in the wrong hands… well, that wouldn’t be very good. The kids find themselves caught in all of this conflict, and it’s not helping them to get past the fog. It’s not helping them get home. But anyway, I really loved this story! G. A. Morgan has a very complex imagination, and I enjoyed reading her work! This book is perfect for anyone who has enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia, and I hope you read it! Bye, and thank you so much for reading (one of these days I am going to also post fanart with my book reviews… one day. Hopefully soon… maybe with my next book!
That sounds great! I am gong to try to find it at the library today. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! You’re actually gonna check it out!

Of course!
u think I wouldn’t?
Oh, lol I didn’t mean it like that
Haha. Ik i’m just messing with you.
Hahahahaha, good one
I actually found out that my library does not have any of the books in the series
but I will try to find it online!
That’s a great idea! I hope you find it!
YES this is such a good book. The worldbuilding was so intriguing!
Oh, wow you’ve read it? Awesome!
Oh, I thought it was about my brain aging!

Sounds and interesting read. There’s a different kind of ‘fog of forgetting’ that’s pretty normal for people of my age! I’m one of those that frequently goes out to the kitchen for something and then forgets what it was they went out there for! Good review by the way
Ahahaha, lol relatable! Thank you for taking time to read my book review!

adding this to my ever growing to read list
sounds interesting, currently m reading the kid who came from space by ross Welford u should definitely read

I will check that out