It’s one more week before Christmas and I’m so excited! Are you excited? But let’s not forget the true meaning of Christmas. We are celebrating the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ! Even though this year is different due to the global pandemic, I am still thankful that I am healthy and my family members are healthy. My grandpa who’s eighty years old had a successful heart surgery, and I’m really thankful for that too!
Aaaaaand I was also nominated for the Blogmas Tag by Nushhe! (Which is a cool name BTW). Thank you so much Nushhe, I had fun answering your questions! Please check out her blog. She’s new so let’s show her some support! Please give her a follow!
So here are the rules.
- Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post.
2. Put the rules after the introduction
3. Answer the 12 questions
4. Tag 12 people to do the tag
5. Create all new questions of your own to ask the people you tag.
Nushhe’s Questions:
Q1. Do you have a Christmas tradition? What is it?
Me and my family always watch The Christmas Story movie, but not this year because the DVD is in Florida. But I think it will be on T.V.
We are going to watch another Christmas movie though, and I hope it’s the Grinch on Netflix! We also like to go to a fancy restaurant for dinner on Christmas!
Q2. Your favourite Christmas drink
Hot chocolate with marshmallows or whipped cream!
Q3. Do you love celebrating Christmas with family or with friends?
I always celebrate Christmas with my mom and dad, cuz we spend Christmas at our second house in Florida! We have no family there so it’s always the three of us, this year is no different from the other years. Next year, we plan to celebrate Christmas with my mom’s family in the Philippines! It will be fun to experience Christmas in a different country!
Q4. Any plans for Christmas?
Like I said earlier, my parents planned to go out for dinner to a nice restaurant because it’s just the three of us, and go for a swim at the pool in the resort were staying at.
Q5. A Christmas movie which you plan to watch
I really want to watch the newest movie, The Grinch on Netflix! I want to watch it sooo bad! I don’t know why though. Oh wait I do, it’s made by Universal, and I LOVE Universal and all their movies. xD!
Q6. What is your favourite Christmas song?
Carol of the Bells by Transiberian Orchestra
Q7. Do you like snow?
Yes, but my lifestyle says otherwise… I like to build a snowman and go sledding.
Q8. Your favourite outdoor activity
Biking and swimming! But if we’re talking Christmas, and I think we are, then it would be GOING TO UNIVERSAL! WOO HOO! I love Universal Studios sooo much!
Q9. What are you asking Santa for Christmas?
Lots of things… Like the Harry Potter LEGO set, the Astronomy Tower! I can list more, but the Lego set is good!
Q10. Are you participating in a gingerbread house competition?
Q11. Your favourite Christmas dish?
Honey Baked Ham! Yum yum!
Q12. Have you made an Apple pie? Or ever tried it? How was it?
Mmmm, Apple pie is yummy! ESPECIALLY with vanilla ice cream! But, I haven’t made it though, but I helped my mom make a blueberry pie! Yum! And a very blue mouth too!
These are just a few GIFs from the movie, A Christmas Story! It’s really funny.
My nominees are:
Bea from The Beahive
Reese from Blogging with Reese
Diamond from Buildabearsfurever
Maggie from Maggie’s Doodles
Selina from This Unique Girl
Miriam from Inside Miriam’s Mind
Shanessa from My Days in Montana
Addie from Shining Star
Evin from Curly Sue’s Rambling
Cherelle from A Bolt out of the Book
Asthaisha from Writing Feels Good
My nominees can go ahead and answer the same questions above!
I also participated on Jheel’s New Year Resolution Contest. Here’s my entry:
I probably will do it soon but considering I’m on two time-based challenges… no promises
But thanks for the tag!
(Ps. It’s spelled Bluemallowmelt)
No problem! I edited your name! Thanks!
Cool! (It’s just my pet peeve)
I love the designs on this post!
Awesome as always, Ariela!
Merry Christmas as well, and thank you for reminding us about the true meaning of Christmas
Congratulations to all the nominees!
Thanks for reading! Warm Hugs!
Warm hugs!

Ooh, great answers! I appreciate the nomination a lot.
Merry Christmas!
Also, your new years resolutions graphic is really cool.
Yay! Thank you! And Merry Christmas to you too!
Thank you for the tag, I’ll answer your questions as soon as I can!! Merry Christmas to you too Ariela!!!

Hey hi ariela!
Thank u so much for taking part in this contest! I hope u enjoyed doing it!
Yes! It was fun creating it!
Thanks for the tag!! But I might not do it because I’m going award free soon… Ooh I love the Carol of the bells as well!
That’s a really nice design!! (The NYR one
No problem, I understand! Thank you for your comment about my design. Yours is good too
with animation
It all started so early this year, by this time I just want Santa to visit….
Me too!
Wow! Soo fun… Yay!
I loved your answers and I am glad that you liked my Name Nushhe. It’s actually my pet name

Cute pet name
Aww thanks!!

Congrats on your tags, Ariel.
Thank you! Warm hugs!
You made my mouth water by mentioning hot chocolate with cream or marshmallows.
Yum yum
I love your designs!
you have a wonderful Christmas planned. I hope you have been nice. Santa is watching you know.
Thank you for all the positive stories.
Thank you so much for nominating me, Ariela! I will answer your questions this Tuesday, when I post! (:
Merry Christmas!!
You’re welcome!
Christmas in the Philippines sounds so fun! Congrats on your tags
Love the post!
Awww! Thanks so much!
Ooooh!! Nice post
For being the amazingly amazing writer you are, I’ve nominated you for the Outstanding Blogger Award. Would love to have you participate. The details are on my recent blog post titled ‘Outstanding Blogger Award’.
Thank you so much for nominating me! I can’t do it right now, but I will. but thanks so much!