Hello everyone! So, if you’ve been following my blog for a while you probably know that I travel. A LOT. In 2020, we only traveled […]
Tag: roadtrip
No Fuel?!
Hi everyone! I’m writing this blog in Alberta! We arrived safely out west in one piece. We finally had a downtime from all the traveling, and we are close to our destination in British Columbia. Anyway, as you probably know, I am touring across Canada doing a fundraiser for Food Bank in a bright orange car. And as the title says, we had no fuel! Is this true? Well, read on to find out!
Early Wednesday morning on October 13th, 8:00 to be exact, an orange car left the tiny, but not so tiny house on the top of the hill. Rain poured and lightning cracked! Okay, not really, but the RAIN was real. We were on out merry way Ontario. That was just the beginning of the Coast to Coast Canada Adventure. Ontario was were we’d be spending the next three days. Once we arrived in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital. We headed straight to our hotel where we were greeted by my Uncle Rob, my favourite uncle. Oh yea, and if my other uncles are reading this… uhm, sorry? Ottawa is a very beautiful city. It’s nice to walk or bike at The Parliament Hill. There’s a lot of things to do like visiting museums and galleries. There’s so much that I can’t tell everything. Here’s the link about Ottawa https://ottawatourism.ca/en
The Home is Now a School
I have a collaboration with Maria Cristina she’s from the Philippines like my mom, please visit her website beautifulpeopleinc.com It’s awesome! It’s about the beautiful people in the Philippines and it’s about life in the Philippines. She has some questions for me about my Fundraiser for Food Banks Canada.
Coast to Coast Canada Adventure
Hello guys! Sorry for the delay for this announcement, we were waiting to confirmed details with the charity we are going to help out, and some of our sponsors. This post is created with my parents. So here it goes!
People has been asking us all the time, where are we going to spend our winter this year. People who know us, knew that we usually spend our winter at our second home in Orlando, Florida. I already mentioned that our original plan was to go to Thailand and visit other Asian countries for six months before the pandemic happened.
Traveling During A Pandemic in March
It was early Wednesday morning on March twenty-five twenty twenty, and we were just about to head to Canada (If you are wondering why we are heading to Canada, you can read my post titled, “Who I am”). Every thing we needed was packed away in our orange Subaru Crosstrek, and we were ready to go. My parents decided to head back early because of COVID-19. Usually we head back in May, but instead we were going in March. Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Canadians to come back home. My dad was worried that the borders would close and the gas stations would close then we would be stuck in the United States. Once we took off, we now had a twenty-six hour journey to Canada. We traveled from Florida through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. We wore masks and gloves every time we stopped at a gas station just to be safe.
Who I am
Hi! I’m Ariela and I’m twelve years old. Welcome to my blog! I’m going to start this by writing a little bit about myself. First […]